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Jashua makes math accessible and easy to understand for young and old students, with an approach he calls Maathematics. Ma'at is a Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) concept that represents order, balance, truth, and justice. Jashua takes the confusion out of what math is for, by showing how it relates to our everyday lives. His main lesson to all of his students is that "Math is relationships!" Those relationships are the basis behind music, art, dance, architecture, health, family, love, and everything else in existence! Understanding relationships and patterns gives us the ability to find solutions to whatever challenges we face. This page is full of resources to help families and individuals who want to excel at math, not just for passing tests, but for living a full life. Check back often to see what new insights have been added!

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After years of requests, Jashua has created his 1st math book intended for adults who want to have a better relationship with math. It's a small book in simple language with lots of visuals that helps the reader look at math in a completely different way. Especially beneficial for anyone who is teaching math to children, but also just for the average person who feels like they're not good at math. This book will convince them otherwise!

Available in print and as a downloadable ebook.

Math Helps Us Find Solutions!

Click the links below for resources that activate the math genius in you!

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